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Staining of microtubules and intermediate filaments spreading from the nuclear rim. e.g. anti-cytokeratin, anti-vimentin, anti-tropomyosin.
抗原相关性 波形蛋白,细胞角蛋白,原肌球蛋白 vimentin, cytokeratins, tropomyosin
  • 临床相关性



    Clinical Relevance

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    About Clinical Relevance & List of Abbreviations
  • ► AC-16在各种疾病中均有发现,但通常在系统性自身免疫性风湿疾病中未检出


    ► Found in various diseases, but AC-16 is not typically found in SARD

    ► Antigens recognized include cytokeratins 8, 18, & 19, tubulin, and vimentin; specific immunoassays for these autoantibodies are currently not commercially available

  • 一级信息参考文献
    First level information references

  • None
  • 二级信息
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  • 抗细胞角蛋白8、18、19的自身抗体:

    ►与正常志愿者和慢性活动性HCV感染者相比,抗细胞角蛋白8抗体、抗细胞角蛋白18抗体和抗细胞角蛋白19抗体在自身免疫性肝炎患者中的抗体水平更高 (5)

    ►据报道,在76%的慢性阻塞性肺病患者和24%的对照组受试者体内检出抗45-kDa人细胞角蛋白18的自身抗体 (6)

    ►与健康对照组、慢性支气管炎患者及肺炎患者相比,抗细胞角蛋白19抗体在特发性肺纤维化患者以及与胶原血管病相关的肺纤维化患者中抗体水平更高 (7)


    ►据报道,在50%的酒精性肝病患者血清中检出该抗体,但仅在7-13%的慢性活动性肝炎、原发性胆汁性胆管炎患者和健康对照组血清中检出 (8)

    ►据报道,在某些寄生虫感染患者中流行率高 (9)

    ►在传染性单核细胞增多症患者和健康成人中曾检出微管蛋白自身抗体(IgM型) (10)

    ►微管蛋白自身抗体(IgG型)被报道与鼻咽癌低龄发病相关 (11)

    ►据报道,在一例进行性感觉运动神经病患者中被检出 (12)

    ►高水平的微管蛋白多克隆自身抗体与获得性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病有关 (13,14)

    ►健康对照组存在低水平的自身抗体 (15)



    ►抗波形蛋白自身抗体(IgG和IgM型)已被报道为神经纤维瘤病1型及其关联肿瘤患者的相关标志物 (17)


    ►据报道,与实体器官移植后发生的心脏或肾移植排斥反应及不良预后有关 (19,20)

    注:大多数报道仅描述了与特异性抗原直接结合的自身抗体 (即,抗原特异性免疫检测法),实际上并未显示与AC-16核型的相关性;这些自身抗体的特异性免疫检测试剂目前尚未商品化。

    ► Higher levels of anti-cytokeratin 8, anti-cytokeratin 18 and anti-cytokeratin 19 antibodies reported in patients with AIH compared with normal volunteers and patients with chronic active HCV infection (5)

    ► Autoantibody against the 45-kDa human cytokeratin 18 protein reported in 76% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients and 24% of control subjects (6)

    ► Higher levels of anti-cytokeratin 19 antibodies reported in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis associated with collagen vascular disorders compared with healthy controls, patients with chronic bronchitis, and patients with pneumonia (7)

    Autoantibodies to tubulin:

    ► Reported in 50% of sera from patients with alcoholic liver disease, but in only 7 – 13% of sera from patients with chronic active hepatitis, PBC, and healthy controls (8)

    ► Reported in high prevalence in patients with certain parasitic infections (9)

    ► IgM autoantibodies to tubulin have been described in patients with infectious mononucleosis and healthy adults (10)

    ► IgG autoantibodies to tubulin have been detected specifically associated with young age onset of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (11)

    ► Reported in a single case of a patient with a progressive sensorimotor neuropathy (12)

    ► High levels of polyclonal autoantibodies to tubulin are associated with acquired demyelinating polyneuropathies (13, 14)

    ► Low levels of autoantibodies are reported in healthy controls (15)

    ► Reported as one of the biomarkers for Sydenham’s chorea and PANDAS syndrome (16)

    Autoantibodies to vimentin:

    ► IgG and IgM autoantibodies to vimentin have been reported as relevant markers in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and associated tumors (17)

    ► Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory arthritis patients may have antibody to citrullinated isoforms of vimentin; it is, however, unlikely that these antibodies show the AC-16 pattern (18)

    ► Reported to occur after solid organ transplantation and implicated in rejection and poor outcome in cardiac or renal transplantation (19, 20)

    Notes: Most reports describe autoantibodies directly binding to specific antigens (i.e., antigen-specific immunoassays) and none actually shows correlations with the AC-16 pattern as such; specific immunoassay for these autoantibodies are currently not commercially available.

  • 二级信息参考文献
    Second level information references

  • 5. Murota M, Nishioka M, Fujita J, et al. Anti-cytokeratin antibodies in sera of the patients with autoimmune hepatitis. Clin Exp Immunol 2001;125:291-9.

    6. Kuo YB, Chang CA, Wu YK, et al. Identification and clinical association of anti-cytokeratin 18 autoantibody in COPD. Immunol Lett 2010;128:131-6.

    7. Fujita J, Dobashi, N Ohtsuki Y, et al. Elevation of anti-cytokeratin 19 antibody in sera of the patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary

    fibrosis associated with collagen vascular disorders. Lung 1999;177:311-9.

    8. Kurki P, Miettinen A, Salaspuro M, et al. Cytoskeleton antibodies in chronic active hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and alcoholic liver disease. Hepatology 1983;3:297-302.

    9. Howard MK, Gull K, Miles MA. Antibodies to tubulin in patients with parasitic infections. Clin Exp Immunol 1987;68:78-85.

    10. Mead GM, Cowin P, Whitehouse JM. Antitubulin antibody in healthy adults and patients with infectious mononucleosis and its relationship to smooth muscle antibody (SMA). Clin Exp Immunol 1980;39:328-36.

    11. Jalbout M, Bel Hadj Jrad B, Bouaouina N, et al. Autoantibodies to tubulin are specifically associated with the young age onset of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int J Cancer 2002;101:146-50.

    12. Stubbs EB Jr., Fisher MA, Siegel GJ. Anti-tubulin antibodies in a sensorimotor neuropathy patient alter tubulin polymerization. Acta Neuropathol 1998;95:302-5.

    13. Connolly AM, Pestronk A. Anti-tubulin autoantibodies in acquired demyelinating polyneuropathies. J Infect Dis 1997;176:S157-9.

    14. Manfredini E, Nobile-Orazio E, Allaria S, et al. Anti-alpha- and beta-tubulin IgM antibodies in dysimmune neuropathies. J Neurol Sci 1995;133:79-84.

    15. Karsenti E, Guilbert B, Bornens M, et al. Antibodies to tubulin in normal nonimmunized animals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1977;74:3997-4001.

    16. Kirvan CA, Cox CJ, Swedo SE, et al. Tubulin is a neuronal target of autoantibodies in Sydenham's chorea. J Immunol 2007;178:7412-21.

    17. Kotaska K, Petrak B, Kukacka J, et al. Anti-vimentin antibodies and neuron-specific enolase in children with neurofibromatosis type-1. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2007;28:761-4.

    18. Tilleman K, Van Steendam K, Cantaert T, et al. Synovial detection and autoantibody reactivity of processed citrullinated isoforms of vimentin in inflammatory arthritides. Rheumatology 2008;47:597-604.

    19. Mahesh B, Leong HS, McCormack A, et al. Autoantibodies to vimentin cause accelerated rejection of cardiac allografts. Am J Pathol 2007;170:1415-27.

    20. Besarani D, Cerundolo L, Smith JD, et al. Role of anti-vimentin antibodies in renal transplantation. Transplantation 2014;98:72-8.

    5. Murota M, Nishioka M, Fujita J, et al. Anti-cytokeratin antibodies in sera of the patients with autoimmune hepatitis. Clin Exp Immunol 2001;125:291-9.

    6. Kuo YB, Chang CA, Wu YK, et al. Identification and clinical association of anti-cytokeratin 18 autoantibody in COPD. Immunol Lett 2010;128:131-6.

    7. Fujita J, Dobashi, N Ohtsuki Y, et al. Elevation of anti-cytokeratin 19 antibody in sera of the patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary

    fibrosis associated with collagen vascular disorders. Lung 1999;177:311-9.

    8. Kurki P, Miettinen A, Salaspuro M, et al. Cytoskeleton antibodies in chronic active hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and alcoholic liver disease. Hepatology 1983;3:297-302.

    9. Howard MK, Gull K, Miles MA. Antibodies to tubulin in patients with parasitic infections. Clin Exp Immunol 1987;68:78-85.

    10. Mead GM, Cowin P, Whitehouse JM. Antitubulin antibody in healthy adults and patients with infectious mononucleosis and its relationship to smooth muscle antibody (SMA). Clin Exp Immunol 1980;39:328-36.

    11. Jalbout M, Bel Hadj Jrad B, Bouaouina N, et al. Autoantibodies to tubulin are specifically associated with the young age onset of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int J Cancer 2002;101:146-50.

    12. Stubbs EB Jr., Fisher MA, Siegel GJ. Anti-tubulin antibodies in a sensorimotor neuropathy patient alter tubulin polymerization. Acta Neuropathol 1998;95:302-5.

    13. Connolly AM, Pestronk A. Anti-tubulin autoantibodies in acquired demyelinating polyneuropathies. J Infect Dis 1997;176:S157-9.

    14. Manfredini E, Nobile-Orazio E, Allaria S, et al. Anti-alpha- and beta-tubulin IgM antibodies in dysimmune neuropathies. J Neurol Sci 1995;133:79-84.

    15. Karsenti E, Guilbert B, Bornens M, et al. Antibodies to tubulin in normal nonimmunized animals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1977;74:3997-4001.

    16. Kirvan CA, Cox CJ, Swedo SE, et al. Tubulin is a neuronal target of autoantibodies in Sydenham's chorea. J Immunol 2007;178:7412-21.

    17. Kotaska K, Petrak B, Kukacka J, et al. Anti-vimentin antibodies and neuron-specific enolase in children with neurofibromatosis type-1. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2007;28:761-4.

    18. Tilleman K, Van Steendam K, Cantaert T, et al. Synovial detection and autoantibody reactivity of processed citrullinated isoforms of vimentin in inflammatory arthritides. Rheumatology 2008;47:597-604.

    19. Mahesh B, Leong HS, McCormack A, et al. Autoantibodies to vimentin cause accelerated rejection of cardiac allografts. Am J Pathol 2007;170:1415-27.

    20. Besarani D, Cerundolo L, Smith JD, et al. Role of anti-vimentin antibodies in renal transplantation. Transplantation 2014;98:72-8.