

同义词 MSA-3, NSp-II MSA-3, NSp-II

核斑点染色程度有显着差异,G2期染色最强,G1期最弱或无染色。着丝粒体在前中期和分裂中期细胞内呈阳性,展现出多颗排列整齐但小而微弱的色点。前中期细胞多数呈现微弱的核被膜染色。有些血清样本在分裂后期和末期的子细胞分裂中区环 (即中间体,茎体) 则有强烈染色。分裂期细胞的细胞质有广泛染色。

Nuclear speckled pattern with striking variability in intensity with the strongest staining in G2 phase and weakest/negative staining in G1. The centromeres are positive only in prometaphase and metaphase, revealing multiple aligned small and faint dots. Prometaphase cells frequently show a weak staining of the nuclear envelope. During anaphase and telophase, some sera demonstrate intense staining in the ring located at the midzone (i.e. mid-body, stem body) where the division of the daughter cells is taking place. The surrounding cytoplasm of the mitotic cells is diffusely stained.
抗原相关性 着丝点蛋白F CENP-F
  • 临床相关性



    Clinical Relevance

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    About Clinical Relevance & List of Abbreviations

  • ►大多数表现出AC-14核型的血清来自具有多种肿瘤病症(乳腺癌,肺癌,结肠癌,淋巴瘤,卵巢癌,脑癌)的患者;矛盾的是,患有这些恶性肿瘤的患者中出现AC-14核型的概率很低。

    ► AC-14核型也可见于炎症性疾病(克罗恩病、自身免疫性肝病、干燥综合征、移植物抗宿主病);目前关于临床相关性的信息主要基于病例报告和一系列病例结果。


    ► The majority of sera exhibiting the AC-14 pattern are from patients with a diversity of neoplastic conditions (breast, lung, colon, lymphoma, ovary, brain); paradoxically, the frequency of the AC-14 pattern in patient cohorts with these malignancies is low

    ► The AC-14 pattern is also seen in inflammatory conditions (Crohn’s disease, autoimmune liver disease, SjS, graft-versus-host disease); current information on clinical associations is based mainly on case reports and series of cases

    ► Possible associations only hold if the reactivity to CENP-F is confirmed in an antigen-specific immunoassay; current information on clinical associations is based mainly on case reports and series of cases; specific immunoassays for this autoantibody are currently not commercially available (74–78)

  • 一级信息参考文献
    First level information references

  • 74. Casiano CA, Landberg G, Ochs RL, et al. Autoantibodies to a novel cell cycleregulated protein that accumulates in the nuclear matrix during S phase and is localized in the kinetochores and spindle midzone during mitosis. J Cell Sci 1993;106:1045–56.

    75. Casiano CA, Humbel RL, Peebles C, et al. Autoimmunity to the cell cycle-dependent centromere protein p330d/CENP-F in disorders associated with cell proliferation. J Autoimmun 1995;8:575–86.

    76. Rattner JB, Rees J, Whitehead CM, et al. High frequency of neoplasia in patients with autoantibodies to centromere protein CENP-F. Clin Invest Med 1997;20:308–19.

    77. Bencimon C, Salles G, Moreira A, et al. Prevalence of anticentromere F protein autoantibodies in 347 patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2005;1050:319–26.

    78. Welner S, Trier NH, Frisch M, et al. Correlation between centromere protein-F autoantibodies and cancer analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Mol Cancer 2013;12.

    74. Casiano CA, Landberg G, Ochs RL, et al. Autoantibodies to a novel cell cycleregulated protein that accumulates in the nuclear matrix during S phase and is localized in the kinetochores and spindle midzone during mitosis. J Cell Sci 1993;106:1045–56.

    75. Casiano CA, Humbel RL, Peebles C, et al. Autoimmunity to the cell cycle-dependent centromere protein p330d/CENP-F in disorders associated with cell proliferation. J Autoimmun 1995;8:575–86.

    76. Rattner JB, Rees J, Whitehead CM, et al. High frequency of neoplasia in patients with autoantibodies to centromere protein CENP-F. Clin Invest Med 1997;20:308–19.

    77. Bencimon C, Salles G, Moreira A, et al. Prevalence of anticentromere F protein autoantibodies in 347 patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2005;1050:319–26.

    78. Welner S, Trier NH, Frisch M, et al. Correlation between centromere protein-F autoantibodies and cancer analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Mol Cancer 2013;12.

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